Panelists & Speakers

Photo of Jan Pettersson

Jan Pettersson

Professional Title: Director for Strategic Development

Organization: Swedish Transport Administration

Sessions: Session 4
Session 11


Jan Petterson works as a Director at the Department for Strategic Development at the Swedish Transport Administration. Jan is the Head of the Swedish national program for electrification of national roads in Sweden. He coordinates the Swedish – German - French partnership regarding electrification of roads on behalf of the Swedish ministry. He is the chair of the taskforce regarding electrified road systems within PIARC World Road Association. Jan has many years of experience as Executive Director for both roads and railways regarding maintenance and operations. He is also active in European benchmarkning projects within PRIME (Plattform for Railway Infrastructure Managers across Europe) and is the leader of the working group Performance within CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads). Jan has a Civil Engineering degree from the Royal Technical University, KTH, in Stockholm, and degree within Hydro Power and Geotechnics.