Panelists & Speakers

John Salmon

John Salmon

Professional Title: Assistant Professor

Organization: Brigham Young University

Sessions: Session 3


Dr. John L. Salmon is an assistant professor at Brigham Young University in the Mechanical Engineering department. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering at the University of Calgary and Utah State University respectively, and then received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Previously, as a Research Engineer at the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory, he worked with a variety of industry partners and government agencies including Lockheed Martin, General Electric, FedEx, UTRC/Sikorsky, NASA, AFRL, ARL, and NAVAIR. His research interests include systems engineering, design, and integration, multi-disciplinary optimization, operations research, modeling and simulation, multi-agent multi-objective decision making, uncertainty analysis, sports analytics, and data visualizations.